Education Standart

Education Standard of the Center

Osteopaths of our Center are professionals who received full osteopathic education, with in-depth academic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, neurology, clinical methodology and other disciplines.
The training of osteopaths is a complex educational system. For many years osteopaths learn the art of osteopathic palpation, the ability to diagnose and treat by hands. Future professionals come to know possible indications and contraindications to various diseases, and most importantly, learn not to harm the patient. Osteopaths of our Center had a long and serious path of training.

The skills of osteopaths largely depend on the high standards of education. All osteopaths of the Centre have diplomas of Canadian and European osteopathic colleges founded by Professor Philippe Druelle, D.O., and considered among the best in the world. There the future osteopaths are trained in the spirit of preserving the values and principles of traditional osteopathy, its philosophy and practices.

Educational program of the Colleges meets all the standards of osteopathic education and the rules of such organizations as World Health Organization (WHO) and Osteopathic European Academic Network (OSEAN), which guarantee high standard of education.
After a full osteopathic course of education future osteopaths pass theoretical, practical and clinical exams. Next, they conduct a serious research, write a thesis, and defend it as an original research work. Only after the successful defense they are awarded the diploma and degree - Diploma of Osteopathy, D.O.
Diplomas of osteopaths in our Centre are recognized and accepted by osteopathic organizations in most countries of the world.

Always with you around the world – Canadian Osteopathic Center